lördag, oktober 20, 2007

A Trip Through Life

I början av den här terminen fick vi i uppgift att göra ett arbete för Civics (samhällskunskapen) om ramarna i samhället. Man fick göra nästan vad man ville; en teckning, skulptur, affisch eller någonting annat som på ett estetiskt sätt kunde visa ens syn på ämnet. Jag och Emma bestämde oss för att fota en serie med bilder som alla representerar saker man förväntas uppnå i livet. Här är resultatet, och eftersom vår linje kräver det är alla bildtexter på engelska. Vi ville göra bildtexterna så korta som möjligt för att låta bilderna tala för sig själva.

Till saken hör också att dessa bildtexter inte är exakt samma som de på arbetet, jag har improviserat ihop det jag minns.


A Trip Through Life


1. Birth

This is obviously obligatory to go through, wether you like it or not.

It is not really something you can do in a "different" kind of way, but it's really the same new beginning for each and everyone of us.


2. Growing up
Grow up to be a teenager, get comfortable with your body and looks.
Realize that you're expected to be beautiful, but also that it's ugly to love yourself out loud.


3. Finding identity

At some point you're supposed to find out what's really you. People say that we should be ourselves, but really they expect us to adapt into already existing frames.
Alas, we're not all adaptable. What about a boy, who feels like he should have been born as a girl?


4. Developing sexuality

Picture this
All frames are not black or white.


5. Abandon your childhood

Grow up, restrain yourself, act responsible.
Put your inner child in a box and throw away the key.


6. Career
Working class hero is something to be

Without a great job, a big office and important duties, then what are you?
Work hard to gain money, status, friends and the perfect job. Work even harder, so that you can keep all this and succeed even more.


7. Family
Settle down, get married, have kids.
Get a chain-house with a small pretty garden.
Drive your kids to school and tell them never to talk to strangers.


8. Growing old

When your working days are over,
spend your days taking trips down memory lane.

9. Death
Auf wiedersehen.
© 2007 Emma Vestberg & Ellinor Eriksson

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